The Festival Magazine


Every attendee at the Festival (June 29-July 1, 2017) will receive a free magazine. I’ve been putting the finishing touches on the maps, directions, restaurant listings, schedules of events, and information about what is happening. Richard, Allyson, and I also wrote short essays about art. Many people don’t know, for example, that the Bushman family comes from a long line of painters.

Claudia Bushman is the Center’s historian, and she’s already collected and generated reams of documents about our meetings and activities. Culling these papers, I created a little timeline of our operations. Looking back now, it’s quite amazing to see how this has come together. It has evolved, as well. Some of our initial ideas were replaced when better solutions came along. For me, the biggest surprise has been the encounters with just the right person at just the right time.

Be sure to look for the magazine when you’re at the festival. We’ll likely post a PDF of the magazine for those who can’t make it but want to feel a part of it.  As I write this, the festival is just a bit more than one month away. People ask me if I’m nervous. No, I tell them, not really. I’m excited.

Glen Nelson


The Jewish Museum

