March 18-24: 2 Nephi 31-33 

"This is the way"

Rose Datoc Dall (American, born 1968)

Flight (2008)

oil on canvas, 54 x 54 inches

Church History Museum Collection

artist’s website

Used with permission of the artist

Nephi taught about the life of the Savior and referred to the strait and narrow path. What does it mean for a Latter-day Saint artist to respond to inspiration in their lives and work. Rose Datoc Dall writes, “I painted Flight at a time when as parents, we felt very distinct impressions about our teenage children; thus Flight became sort of an unconscious reflection of what was happening in our lives, a mirror and a metaphor. Like Joseph, who without question, acted on an impression to protect the young Messiah, we too, felt we needed to act on our specific impressions from the Holy Ghost regarding our children. The cocoon around the Boy Savior seemed to represent that heavenly protection we hoped to be bestowed on each our own children. At that time, I truly gained a testimony of relying on the Savior, especially regarding our sacred stewardships; that He is in the details in our lives.”

She continues, “Keeping on the straight and narrow directly affects my work. And I can hardly separate my work from my devotional life. The Spirit has entirely dictated the direction of my work. Thus, I must paint from where the faucet flows, and doesn’t seem to flow from anywhere else, nor in any other direction, although I have tried to take it there; all my successful work has a spiritual undertone, whether literally or metaphorically, both intentionally and unconsciously. My art would become directionless without the Spirit. While the world tells the artist to rely entirely on his own genius, and I am tempted to believe that having been trained that way, I have learned and am relearning over and over again that relying on the Savior presents the loveliest paradox; relinquishing my will, my stubbornness and temptation to go in a different direction, by relying on the Spirit, my view can be expanded beyond anything I could contrive on my own.”

Discussion Questions:

1. While we all seek the straight and narrow path (2 Nephi 31: 9, 18), in what ways does the "pressing forward" part of that path look different for each of us with the uniqueness of our own circumstances and challenges (2 Nephi 31:20)? How can we honor those differences (including in our children and those we love) while earnestly trying to press forward on the path ourselves?

2. Nephi encourages us to follow Jesus "with full purpose of heart" (2 Nephi 31:13), a heart that includes no hypocrisy and no deception. What symbols come to your mind that represent such a heart? [Contrast this image with the hardened heart that Nephi speaks of where the Spirit "hath no place in them" (2 Nephi 33:2).] How did Jesus show us the way with His heart?

3. Nephi teaches that "angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost" (2 Nephi 32:3). Can you think of an experience where you heard the voice of an angel helping guide your choices ('"an angel" could  be someone living on earth presently; see also: Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "The MInistry of Angels," October 2008 General Conference; Elder Carlos A. Godoy, "I Believe in Angels," April 2020 General Conference)? Is there a piece of music that draws you to the Spirit?

Questions for Youth and Children:

1.  Imagine what the straight and narrow path might look like (2 Nephi 31: 9, 18).  What would be some signs along this path to help guide you to follow Jesus (2 Nephi 31:10-13, 19-20)?  Make some of these signs and put them in places in your home that will help you remember to stay on the path.

2.  Nephi teaches us that we "must pray always" (2 Nephi 32: 8-9).  When are some times in your day when you pray?  What were you doing when the thought came to you to pray?

3.  After we are baptized, we can speak with a "new" voice, "even with the tongue of angels" (2 Nephi 31:14, 32:2-3).  What sorts of words do you think angels use when they speak?  What "tongue of angels" words could you use when you are angry?  Disappointed?  Sad?  Happy?  Proud of someone else?  Discouraged?  Trying to encourage someone else?  Trying to comfort someone?  In what other situations could you use angel words?


March 25-31: Easter


March 11-17: 2 Nephi 26-30